PMP / CAPM Exam Preparation Toolkit

The PMP/ CAPM ® Exam Preparation Self-Study Kit is designed to successfully prepare you to sit for the Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) professional certification exam. The PMP credential is in high demand in the workplace today because it signals that the holder of the credential has both the experience and the know-how to manage projects successfully.
The self study kit consists of:

    • 5th Edition “PMBOK® Guide”
    • Additional reference documentation
    • Exam preparation tool with over 800 exam questions and correct answers explanation
    • Advise how to prepare for the exam

The PMP® Exam Preparation Self Study Kit will help you to understand the nature of the PMP® exam, learn helpful hints for taking the exam, understand the details of the “PMBOK® Guide” 5th Edition, and gain knowledge of other topics relevant to the exam.


    • Complete PMP/CAPM Self study kit  €135,50 excl VAT.
    • PMP/CAPM Self study kit exclusive PMBOK €69,00 excl VAT.

Project Management, Business Analysis & Business Improvement Consultancy